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We can use the Bridge implementation to discover devices and their state. The following code will print all discovered devices for 60 seconds.

async def print_devices(delay):
    def on_device_found_callback(device):
        print(asdict(device)) # (1)

    async with SwitcherBridge(on_device_found_callback):
        await asyncio.sleep(delay)
  1. the callback device will be an implementation of SwitcherBase, i.e. SwitcherPowerPlug, SwitcherWaterHeater, SwitcherThermostat, and SwitcherShutter.


A Switcher device will broadcast a state message to the bridge approximately every 4 seconds.


Type1 API (Switcher Plug, V2, Touch, V4)⚓︎

We can use the Type1 API to gain the following capabilities:

  • Get the current state
  • Turn on and off
  • Set the name
  • Configure auto shutdown
  • Retrieve the schedules
  • Create and Delete schedules
async def control_device(device_ip, device_id, device_key) :
    # for connecting to a device we need its id, login key and ip address
    async with SwitcherType1Api(device_ip, device_id, device_key) as api:
        # get the device current state (1)
        await api.get_state()
        # turn the device on for 15 minutes (2)
        await api.control_device(Command.ON, 15)
        # turn the device off (3)
        await api.control_device(Command.OFF)
        # set the device name to 'my new name' (4)
        await api.set_device_name("my new name")
        # configure the device for 02:30 auto shutdown (5)
        await api.set_auto_shutdown(timedelta(hours=2, minutes=30))
        # get the schedules from the device (6)
        await api.get_schedules()
        # delete and existing schedule with id 1 (7)
        await api.delete_schedule("1")
        # create a new recurring schedule for 13:00-14:30
        # executing on sunday and friday (8)
        await api.create_schedule("13:00", "14:30", {Days.SUNDAY, Days.FRIDAY})
    control_device("", "ab1c2d", "00")
  1. SwitcherStateResponse
  2. SwitcherBaseResponse
  3. SwitcherBaseResponse
  4. SwitcherBaseResponse
  5. SwitcherBaseResponse
  6. SwitcherGetSchedulesResponse
  7. SwitcherBaseResponse
  8. SwitcherBaseResponse

Type2 API (Switcher Breeze and Runner)⚓︎

We can use the Type2 API to gain the following capabilities on Switcher Breeze and Runner:

  • Get the current state
  • Control Runner position
  • Control Breeze (State, Mode, Fan Level, Target Temperature, Vertical Swing)
async def control_runner(device_ip, device_id, device_key) :
    # for connecting to a device we need its id, login key and ip address
    async with SwitcherType2Api(device_ip, device_id, device_key) as api:
        # get the device current state (1)
        await api.get_shutter_state()
        # open the shutter to 30% (2)
        await api.set_position(30)
        # stop the shutter if currently rolling (3)
        await api.stop()
    control_runner("", "ab1c2d", "00")
  1. SwitcherShutterStateResponse
  2. SwitcherBaseResponse
  3. SwitcherShutterStateResponse
async def control_breeze(device_ip, device_id, device_key, remote_manager, remote_id) :
    # for connecting to a device we need its id, login key and ip address
    async with SwitcherType2Api(device_ip, device_id, device_key) as api:
        # get the device current state (1)
        await api.get_breeze_state()
        # initialize the Breeze RemoteManager and get the remote (2)
        remote = remote_manager.get_remote(remote_id)
        # prepare a control command that turns on the Breeze
        # set to 24 degree (Celsius) cooling with vertical swing
        # send command to the device (3)
        await api.control_breeze_device(

# create the remote manager outside the context for re-using (4)
remote_manager = SwitcherBreezeRemoteManager()
    control_breeze("", "ab1c2d", "00", remote_manager, "DLK65863")
  1. SwitcherThermostatStateResponse
  2. SwitcherBreezeRemote
  3. SwitcherBaseResponse
  4. SwitcherBreezeRemoteManager


You can find the supported device types stated in this enum members.

Last update: 2024-01-18